E-Learning Applications

E-learning is best described as the online learning and the networked learning. Through the use of the computer based-education, computer-based instruction, and computer supported learning, the distance or obstacles in education is not anymore part of the boundary that limits the professionalism especially on the college students. With this idea, what are the impacts of E-learning in the institutions based on the performance of the students?

In online education it requires the three main models, namely; the behaviorism, constructive and blended learning model.

In behavior model, it deals mostly about the individual’s attitude. It discusses how an individual responds to the environment. On the other hand in constructive model, it merely talks about the quality of software and the estimation of the cost, effort and schedule in planning a new software development activity.

Furthermore the third model is blended learning model, in which it describes the technique and strategy in gaining information through internet web which is the primary source in online education. Unaware, the people accepted the changes that appear on their way. And at a sudden, those changes affect their entire life. Most of the people are also dependent on the technologies wherein they rely too much on its capabilities. However, these interactions draw various benefits as well as issues regarding to the ethical, social, privacy, security, and morality and these issues will be tackled in the study.