Easy, Enjoyable, Effective E-Learning
In today's knowledge economy, learning is needed to survive and to thrive. In this sense, knowledge is power and proliferation of knowledge through E-learning is not a luxury but a necessity for current and future generations. The need is constant while the nature of our society and economy drives the need for learning.
E- learning has become an important aspect of education because of the benefits this offers to learning. E-Learning can be an effective strategy for development of human resources. For real cost-benefit, eLearning must be in sync with long-term business goals. An organization can adopt different strategies at different stages of its training development.
E-learning is not just for the students but also it is very beneficial for the elderly people and working adult who is working full time and managing a family because it could help them to quench their thirst from knowledge.
Distance learning is a tool for e-commerce and used to leverage the intellectual
capital of commercial and educational organizations - its most important asset. New
companies are building profitable businesses by developing or using the next
generation of content, services and technologies for business, academic and
consumer markets.